10 TV Shows That Went Way Too Far

2. Spike Assaults Buffy - Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Friends Ross Cousin
Mutant Enemy

This writer is a massive Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan, but even I can't quite defend this. Though it made sense to have Spike (James Marsters) do something ungodly to hammer home that he's still a monster, having him brutally force himself on a wounded Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) was definitely not the way forward. 

In one of the most controversial TV episodes ever aired, season six's "Seeing Red," Spike tries to reignite his twisted love affair with the Slayer, and when she rebuffs him he beats her down and starts to undress her. He's pushed off and crashes back to reality after seeing the damage he's caused, but by then it's too late. 

Spike would go on to have a staggering arc in Buffy's final season, but this moment still lingers heavy in the mind of the show's fandom (and Marsters), for all the wrong, traumatic reasons. That this was also the episode the amazing Tara (Amber Benson) dies only makes this episode that much harder to forget. 

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