10 TV Shows That Were Spoiled By Romantic Couples

7. Modern Family - Haley Dunphy And Andy Bailey

Game of Thrones Cersei Jaime Lannister

Haley and Andy may not be a central storyline, or the most controversial, of Modern Family, but they're still a big problem. Haley was from the start presented as the shallow and somewhat simple-minded oldest daughter of Phil and Claire Dunphy. Andy was introduced as the 'manny' working for Haley's grandfather and his wife. He was very annoying, but for some reason, she took to him.

Eventually, they began having an affair behind Andy's fiancée's back. This was while the fiancée was away because she was serving in the military. It eventually turned out that she had been cheating on Andy, too, but they didn't know this at the time. All they were aware of was that they were betraying her while she was serving her country. It doesn't get much lower than that.

Another kicker is that Haley's relationship with Andy was intended to be a signal that she was maturing as an adult. Rather than have her focus on her future without worrying about having or not having a boyfriend, she instead got involved with a man who was already committed to somebody else. To most reasonable people, that probably doesn't qualify as making better life decisions. It's a wasted opportunity to grow her character.


I like to think I'm a clever person, but apparently I'm not clever enough to come up with a witty biography.