10 TV Shows That Were Spoiled By Romantic Couples

6. Gilmore Girls - Rory Gilmore And Dean Forester/Rory Gilmore And Logan Huntzberger

Game of Thrones Cersei Jaime Lannister
The WB

Rory Gilmore started off as one of the most beloved characters on television; quick-witted and wise beyond her years. Things really started to take a turn for her popularity when she wouldn't let go of her first boyfriend, Dean, after he had married somebody else. After they had begun committing adultery, Rory then lashed out at her mother and made her out to be the villain after she had confronted her about it.

Eventually, her relationship with Dean ended (not before destroying his marriage), but now we have Logan. Basically, Logan was a whiny entitled hypocrite who loved criticizing his wealthy family, but was more than content to live off of their money and do absolutely nothing for a living. What's more, he seemed dedicated to turn the previously driven Rory into a fellow slacker.

The relationship between Rory and Logan would also end after Logan issued an ultimatum - marry him or he breaks up with her. But then in the Netflix revival of the series, Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, Rory had returned to her cheating ways as she and Logan, by then engaged, were sneaking around.

By the end, a series of morally objectionable and irresponsible choices have seemed to lead to a child being brought into a seriously messed up situation. The path that Rory has taken has been very disappointing to many loyal fans. She seemed destined for greatness. Instead, her story became a series of dysfunctional relationships, zapping much of the show's joy.


I like to think I'm a clever person, but apparently I'm not clever enough to come up with a witty biography.