10 TV Shows That Weren't Worth The Controversy

1. Gypsy

Star Wars Acolyte Controversy

The Naomi Watts-starring psychological thriller series Gypsy came under fire before it even released on Netflix due to its title, with Roma organisations criticising the show for naming itself after a racist slur often used against Romani people.

A petition demanding that Netflix re-title the show prior to release even garnered a few thousand signatures, though the streamer pressed on with their original plans regardless.

Netflix and the series' creators defended the title as a reference to the Fleetwood Mac song "Gypsy," though for many offended by the word, that wasn't really good enough.

All the same, the controversy ended up having a longer shelf life than the show itself, which premiered in June 2017 and barely made a dent, resulting in its cancellation a short while later.

And seven (!) years on from its release, how many people even remember that Gypsy ever existed?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.