10 TV Shows That Weren't Worth The Controversy

2. The Acolyte

Star Wars Acolyte Controversy

To say that the discourse surrounding the most recent Star Wars series The Acolyte has been exhausting is quite the understatement indeed. 

Predictably, hateful chuds were immediately irate that the show's cast dared to be diverse, centering more on women and people of colour than white men.

But beyond the disingenuous critiques of the show being "woke," there were also those upset by both The Acolyte's tinkering with various aspects of existing Star Wars lore, and its general suggestion that the Jedi might not be the wholly virtuous peacekeepers they're largely depicted as.

And while saying "Who cares?" about any piece of Star Wars media is highly foolish considering that, clearly, a lot of people care, The Acolyte was ultimately a middle-of-the-road piece of work that wasn't nearly worth the considerable energy angry people expended on it in all directions.

Though bringing some provocative new ideas to the franchise and touting a few terrific fight scenes, The Acolyte's regularly leaden dialogue, mixed bag of characters, and clunky storytelling ensured it was yet another so-so Star Wars show to add to the frustratingly growing pile.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.