10 TV Shows That Would Have Been Better On HBO

2. Saturday Night Live

If there is one thing that you should never tell a good comedian to do, it is "keep it clean." At its best, Saturday Night Live collected some of the greatest comedic talent in the country and gave them a global platform to showcase their craft. The problem with that idea is that they could never truly showcase the comedy that made most of them notable in the first place because of the restrictions of NBC.

Even in the late night spot they occupy, there is remarkably little the show can get away with. Now, if you were to take those same comedians and an equally talented group of writers and gave them free reign to produce whatever made them laugh, then you'd have a sketch comedy show that would truly be appointment worthy television. Maybe one day HBO will realize what a comedic gold mine such a set-up would be and we'll all get to bask in the glory.


An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.