10 TV Shows To Binge During A Sick Day

6. It’s Garry Shandling’s Show

It's Garry Shandling's Show

This absurd, fourth-wall-breaking, half-hour comedy was Garry Shandling’s first cable hit. Structured like a sitcom, it takes on the tropes of such shows and turns them on their heads. Perhaps ahead of its time, a show like this would lauded today for its ingenuity. A self-referential sitcom with a Seinfeldian lead would be gold in today’s Television market. However, this show has earned more of a cult status over the years.

This is a stellar pick for a truly bad sick day. When watching, you won’t be sure if your fever is making you hallucinate or if Garry really did drive a golf cart into the audience (see the episode titled “The Fugitive”). Whether you make it through one or all episodes of the series, you won’t regret being held captive on your couch by this innovative and ridiculous show.


Native New Yorker, obsessive TV watcher, lover of flops. I've got 99 problems, but an opinion ain't one.