10 TV Shows Utterly Ruined By Their Final Revelations

1. Oz - Keller Frames Beecher For His "Murder"

Oz Keller Beecher

In total fairness, as brilliant as HBO's seminal prison drama series was, it never quite struck an even balance between its gritty brutality and often over-the-top cartoonishness.

After all, this is a show that introduced a widely-ridiculed subplot where prisoners could speed up their sentences by taking part in a drug trial which prematurely aged them.

Even so, the show's final season took things just a little too silly and theatrical, with protagonist Tobias Beecher (Lee Tergesen) finally getting paroled, only to be returned to prison a few episodes later after his on-off lover Chris Killer (a brilliant Christopher Meloni) arranges for him to be caught buying drugs.

The series finale sees Keller making a final play for Beecher's affections, and after he rejects him, Keller commits suicide by hurling himself over a prison railing. Keller screams out Beecher's name as he falls, framing Beecher for his death and leaving the poor bugger awaiting trial as the show concludes.

Beecher's release from prison was an incredibly cathartic moment, and for that to be quickly undone in the further pursuit of his and Keller's demented love story really felt like one twist too many.

Some might argue it's an intentional work of heightened dramatic irony, but between this and Keller's last-minute decision to kill off the Aryan Brotherhood with a package of anthrax, Oz's final moments were just too damn silly for their own good.

Which show-ruining TV finales infuriated you the most? Shout them out in the comments!


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.