10 TV Shows Where Evil Won

6. Robin Hood

hannibal tv show

Much like Atlantis a few years later, the BBC's telling of the tale of Robin Hood was another series that seemed to go down a treat with audiences during its early life on the channel. However, it's quite tough to continue producing a series about the famous outlaw when the actor playing said icon decides to drop the bow and arrow in favour of a new direction.

That's precisely what went down when series lead Jonas Armstrong wanted out of the project in 2008. This major decision, alongside tumbling ratings, meant that Robin Hood was brought to an end on the back of a rather depressing season three finale.

As the final episode concludes, both Hood and Maid Marian have bit the dust, the evil Prince John still reigns supreme, and the mighty King Richard is being held prisoner in Austria for ransom.

Would the show have found a way to bring our heroes back into the fight had season four become a reality?

Perhaps, but on this occasion the BBC were content to end the legendary face's story on a rather harsh beat. Because sometimes life sucks, folks!

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