10 TV Shows Where Evil Won
5. Star Trek: The Next Generation
In the first season of The Next Generation, the Enterprise-D rushes to the aid of Deanna Troi, who’s shuttle has crashed on Vagra II. She is threatened by both her injuries and the sentient oil slick that is sitting right outside the site.
Its name is Armus and it is all of the evil feelings and intent of a long-departed people, made to form a new creepy looking life-form. Unlike many of the other villains in Star Trek, it doesn’t bother issuing threats first either.
Lt. Tasha Yar, chief of security aboard the Enterprise, informs it brashly that she is helping her injured colleagues, whether it wants her to or not. Armus simply extends an arm and she is flung backward by a blast of his psionic energy. Just because it can.
She is rushed to sickbay but despite Dr Crusher’s best efforts, she dies on the operating table. While the rest of the crew are able to evade Armus, the impact from this cold and casual murder would be felt for the remainder of The Next Generation’s seven season run, ensuring the evil creature’s immortality amongst the ranks of Trek villains.