10 TV Shows Which Didn't Get Better With Age

6. Prison Break

A sad example of a show outliving its whole point, Prison Break's hot start went cold soon after the titular escape occurred. A structural engineer gets himself incarcerated at the same prison as his brother to rescue him from that ever-dreaded death sentence. Cool stuff. The show delivered the goods with a high intensity, often crazy first season.

Season 2 maintained the series' acclaim with a wild, fugitive chase storyline. Sadly, beyond that it goes horribly downhill with a variety of contrived, unnecessary plot devices to keep the show alive. The Sona prison of Season 3 had entertainment value, but was a definite step down from its predecessors. Worse still was it being cut short due to the 2007-2008 writers' strike, an event that decimated almost every US show on the air at the time.

The show's foolhardy move into government conspiracy plots saw a nosedive in the quality department that the series never recovered from. By the time the Season 5 revival arrived in 2017, much of the fandom had died out and the often ridiculous plot failed to set the world on fire again. A journey into the bland and the inconceivable ruined this once tightly wound thriller - a great shame given its exceptional beginnings.

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