10 TV Shows Which Didn't Get Better With Age

2. Game Of Thrones

The biggest show of the 2010s went down in flames worse than King's Landing.

There is a direct correlation between the series' downturn and the loss of source material. For nine long, painful years, George R.R. Martin has delayed in completing The Winds Of Winter, leaving the now widely loathed show runners without his considerably better written novels to work off.

The series saw a loss of everything that made it good in the first place: the political intrigue, complex character arcs, plot twists, surprise deaths, sharp dialogue and ability to not have Starbucks cups in shot were all gone.

Instead, we were given a plot with more holes than a moon made of Swiss cheese. Tyrion lost his wits, Jon Snow lost everything beyond the ability to say "You are my queen" and Daenerys suddenly went mad and became the series' big bad. It was all so frustratingly, incomprehensibly bad and out of nowhere that the last two seasons feel more like a big budget spoof than an actual continuation.

Runners D.B. Weiss and David Benioff have since thrown out wonderfully terrible explanations for their shoddy work including Benioff's "Themes are for eight-grade book reports" comment. Their lack of passion for putting out a worthwhile product to the end let down the fans, cast and crew in one miserable swoop.

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