10 TV Shows Which Didn't Get Better With Age

1. Dexter

Two words: Scott Buck.

With Season 6, Mr Buck took creative control of this initially awesome series about a vigilante serial killer and pulled pork sandwich enthusiast in Miami. After five seasons of thrills, spills and kills, the series took a deep end nose dive. Centred around an abysmal Bible obsessed serial killer played unconvincingly by Colin Hanks, the show became a cringe-worthy bore overnight.

Things continued to get worse from there with non-existent character development, boring subplots, unnecessary retcons and the absolute dirt worst final episode in TV history. The suspenseful, darkly funny series that captured audience's imaginations was dead and buried long before that inconceivable last scene infuriated millions.

Despite having written for modern classic series such as Six Feet Under and Rome, Buck's work as a showrunner is amongst the lowest of the low. Since torpedoing Dexter, he's moved on to do Iron Fist for Netflix and Inhumans for ABC, two widely panned debacles from Marvel.

Michael C. Hall himself acknowledged the disappointment of the show's ending in an interview with the Daily Beast: "The way that show ended gave no sense of closure for people and a lot of questions unanswered."

From must see TV to monumental disappointment, Dexter serves as a lesson in the importance of ending a show before it outstays its welcome.

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John Cunningham hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.