10 TV Storylines Actors REFUSED To Do

1. Jill Dies - Home Improvement

Friends Chandler Monica

Beloved sitcom Home Improvement came to an end with its eighth season, after Patricia Richardson - who played the wife of protagonist Tim Taylor (Tim Allen) - decided she'd devoted enough years of her career to the show.

Network ABC didn't simply take "no" for an answer, though, offering Richardson an eye-watering $25 million to return, but she held firm and refused.

According to Richardson herself, ABC were so desperate to keep the show going, though, that they then turned to Tim Allen and proposed a ninth season in which Tim was forced to cope with his wife's death. She said:

"So then they went to Tim, and they said 'Let's do it with dead Jill,' And then Tim was like, 'I don't think we can do that.' So then he went out and said 'Well, I think it's time to end Home Improvement.'"

Allen was reportedly offered as much as $50 million for season nine, yet he sensibly knew when enough was enough, and given that his and Richardson's chemistry formed the show's very foundation, it would've been disastrous to continue without her.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.