10 TV Storylines Actors REFUSED To Do

3. Kato Loses A Fight To Robin - The Green Hornet

Friends Chandler Monica

The 1960s TV adaptation of The Green Hornet had a few fun crossover events with the '60s Adam West-starring Batman series, which reached a fascinating head when The Green Hornet (Van Williams) and Kato (Bruce Lee) showed up in two episodes of Batman's second season.

The duo were in Gotham City to take down a - wait for it - counterfeit stamp ring, when they crossed paths with Batman (West) and Robin (Burt Ward), leading to a chaotic fight scene in which the quartet both teamed up with and then battled each other.

Originally, Robin was scripted to defeat Kato in one-on-one combat, but Lee, a world-class martial artist, refused to film Kato losing, quite rightly feeling that audiences simply wouldn't buy him getting hosed by the Boy Wonder after seeing him kick so much righteous ass on his own show.

And so, a compromise was met - the fight would end as a tie, even if it's clear to anyone with even barely functioning eyeballs that Kato was about to flatten Robin with those educated feet of his.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.