10 TV Villains You Wish Got More Screen Time

7. Barriss Offee - Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Jerome Gotham

At first, young padawan Barriss Offee wasn't a villain at all, but an eager Jedi who formed a strong friendship with fellow learner Ahsoka Tano.

After a couple seasons absent from the main story - during which time it was simply assumed she was still a loyal member of the Jedi Order - she returned for one last arc, in which it was revealed she had framed Ahsoka for a terrorist attack and had fallen to the Dark Side after becoming disillusioned with the Jedi way.

This promising bolt from the blue really appears as if from nowhere, and lacks any kind of development or meaning to back it up. It also doesn't really lead anywhere, as she's arrested and never mentioned again (not even by her Master).

Had The Clone Wars decided to give Barriss the development her turn to villainy deserved, her eventual downfall would've been much more compelling and well earned. Tragically, though, it just feels like a rushed-out character assassination.

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I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.