10 Most Twisted Characters in American Horror Story

7. Charles Montgomery (Matt Ross) 'Murder House'


Founder of 'Murder House', Dr. Montgomery is the reason this whole bloody mess began. Surgeon to the stars and with a brilliant mind, he is one of the foremost doctors in his field, but when he turns to drink, his life, his wife Nora and their son fall apart. Developing Frankenstein syndrome, Dr.Montgomery turns to backstreet abortions as well as dismemberment. All too quick with the scalpel, Dr.Montgomery is great at giving one patient a Joker-esque Chelsea smile just because she looked too sad. He fully descends into madness when his son Thaddeus is dismembered and his remains brought to him by the police. Not content with losing his only son Charles Montgomery reanimates him using a girl's heart €“ Vouila, newly born monster hybrid Infantata. As a mortal he meets his end at the hands of his wife, shooting him then turning the gun on herself. In the afterlife he goes some way at redemption by helping to deliver Vivien Harmon's twins.

Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap