10 Most Twisted Characters in American Horror Story

6. Leigh Emerson (Ian McShane) 'Asylum'


A filthy Santa in dire need of some psychiatric help and more than a shower, Lee Emerson played a bit part in 'Asylum' and focal point of their festive episode. He claims there is no God, but there is a Santa Claus; a man who bears the brunt of Briarcliffe's tortures, making him even more hellbent on revenge and in particular Sister Jude.

The worst bit about Emerson is that he didn't only ruin Christmas for himself, but for all the inmates of Briarcliffe; his attack on Christmas Eve 1963 lead Sister Jude to banish all future Christmas festivities and confine him to solitary for the next year. His stint alone in his cell made Emerson the twisted Santa we meet in 1964. Released by the possessed Mary Eunice, he kills guard Frank and acts his revenge on Jude, giving her a taste of her own medicine and caning her on her desk. Afterwards Emerson, Arden and Mary Eunice frame Jude for the murder of Frank and get her committed to Briarcliffe. He feigns redemption and after being baptised Emerson nails the Monsignor to a cross and escapes custody. In modern times and according to the autobiography of Lana Winters, he still remains at large, hunted in five states and having slaughtered seven nuns.


Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap