10 Underrated Current Sci-Fi TV Shows You Need To Be Watching

1. The Expanse

The Expanse

Based on a respected series of books of the same name, the enticing plot of Syfy’s adaptation (yes, that network again) writhes through it’s deliciously built future world full of political intrigue, brewing warfare, and shocking plot twists.

If that sounds kind of like a sci-fi Game Of Thrones, theoretically you’d be right, it's just as meaty and emotionally investing although it doesn’t distract you with sensationalism in name of accessibility. What really makes this show stand out though, is it refreshingly wears its literal connection with pride in a world amassed with blockbuster wannabes on our small screens. It is hard sci-fi, and it makes zero apologies about it.

It has such confidence in the material that it basically throws you into a myriad of parallel plots without much explanations or narrative hooks. It’s no surprise then that most people have watched something else instead. Yet for the loyal, by the end of season one, you’ll have discovered the uttermost gratifying sci-fi show currently on air, with fantastic and subtle character arcs infused with high-end production value in a thoroughly rich universe.

If that sounds like it’s all high-brow flaunting, it’s not the case; when it comes to genre thrills it’s one of the best shows around as well. The action, suspense, and even horror aspects are flawlessly executed and give a stronger punch due to our investment in the layered main characters.

Oh, and Thomas Jane plays a bad-ass space detective in it - if that won’t convince you to watch, what else will?

Are you watching any of these sci-fi shows? Any others you feel deserve a mention? Let us know down in the comments.

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is a freelance writer that loves ingesting TV shows, Video Games, Comics, and all walks of Movies, from schmaltzy Oscar bait to Kung-Fu cult cinema...actually, more the latter really.