10 Underrated Current Sci-Fi TV Shows You Need To Be Watching

2. Legion

The Expanse

Those assuming Fargo show-runner Noah Hawley was taking a more commercial route with this X-Men related TV spin-off, quickly discovered they were dead wrong after viewing its obtuse pilot episode and were confronted by something more David Lynch then Bryan Singer.

From the jump, Hawley is sensationally vivid and erratic in his shot choice and visual sheen, coupled by a confounding plot told intimately from the mind-frame of Dan Stevens’ mental patient, an ex-addict with hidden powers and haunted by a monstrous boogeyman.

It’s a show that constantly demands your attention as the nutty visuals and mosaic plot unravels, but for those watchful viewers, it compensates with an involving plot. The story is essentially simple, based on a troubled man's attempt to defeat the demons inside, with an endearing romance - with Fargo stand-out Rachel Keller - sitting at its core.

Add to that likely the greatest use of Audrey Plaza, and a torrent of jaw-dropping originality: what other show has its penultimate showdown done as a ‘silent movie’ homage? Yeah…chalk this series down as the sole one with that honour.

Hawley is one of a kind storyteller, and here he's not only created the must-watch sci-fi show but the must-watch TV show, period. If you're thirsting for something different, make sure to get on it.

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is a freelance writer that loves ingesting TV shows, Video Games, Comics, and all walks of Movies, from schmaltzy Oscar bait to Kung-Fu cult cinema...actually, more the latter really.