10 Underrated Current Sci-Fi TV Shows You Need To Be Watching

9. Killjoys

The Expanse

Similar to the underrated (and sadly cancelled) Dark Matter, this simple but enjoyable genre show is a co-production between Canadian channel Space and Syfy network.

Luckily, a small and loyal following have kept it from the similar fate of the Dark Matter, since Killjoys is chugging forward into renewal for a fourth and fifth season, although it weirdly remains elusive of mainstream success.

Centred around a trio of attractive, one-liner spouting bounty hunters in a conflict-prone Galactic playground, the plot lacks the complexity of a rich and dramatic HBO show, relying instead on love triangle drama, easy resolutions and goofy slow-motion montages, yet damn if it's not done in good fun.

Most importantly the central cast spark with strong chemistry and likeable banter. Hannah John-Kamen is the true stand-out, yet her partners Aaron Ashmore and Luke Macfarlane are more than able to hold their own in the charisma stakes.

With its episodic nature and neat formula, Killjoys feels much like a 90s genre TV throwback. Certainly, it wouldn’t have stood out during the glut of superior and similar products that decade, yet nowadays it feels refreshing to have a show just want to serve up some simple sci-fi thrills in a 40-minute package and look good while doing it.

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is a freelance writer that loves ingesting TV shows, Video Games, Comics, and all walks of Movies, from schmaltzy Oscar bait to Kung-Fu cult cinema...actually, more the latter really.