10 Unintentionally Funny Doctor Who Deaths

6. Killed By A Satsuma (The Christmas Invasion)

Doctor Who Love & Monsters Ursula Blake Abzorbaloff
BBC Studios

David Tennant's first full outing as the Tenth Doctor was the 2005 special The Christmas Invasion, in which he fights off an attack on Earth by the Sycorax.

The bone-headed (literally) extra-terrestrials are confronted by the recently-regenerated Doctor, who challenges their leader to a sword fight. If he wins, the Sycorax leave and never come back. If he loses, it's curtains for the entire planet.

Of course, big Davey T wins the day, and spares the life of his foe in exchange for Earth's safety. However, as he walks away from the battle, the Sycorax leader gets up and tries to attack him from behind.

Fortunately, the Doctor has a trick up his sleeve - or rather, in his pocket.

He plucks a satsuma from his dressing gown and throws it at a button on the wall. This opens up a panel beneath the charging alien, who falls to his death.

Not only is there the ridiculousness of an almighty warrior getting done in by a fruit, but there's also the hammy-as-hell scream that the Sycorax leader lets out when he falls.

It's meant to be Tennant's big coming out party, but it's frankly a bit silly.

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Doctor Who
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.