10 Unlikely Characters Who'd Be Perfect For Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

6. Cartwright

Star Trek Kelsey Grammar

For those of us with short memories or who just haven't seen Star Trek VI : The Undiscovered Country (spoilers ahead), Cartwright is the rogue admiral who participates in a conspiracy to assassinate Chancellor Gorkon and the President of The Federation, in order to sabotage peace talks with the Klingons. So, it's fair to say that he's a real piece of work.

However, a man doesn't become the kind of ruthless bastard who'd frame a friend for murder and then assassinate his own president, overnight. But at the same time, he managed to climb to one of the top positions in Starfleet, so he has to at least be good at his job. Seeing him take the darker path that leads to becoming the villain he is in the film would be a great story.

When Strange New Worlds takes place, he would most likely still be a captain. Here is one cynical character who has the potential to be a foil for the generally optimistic Pike. He could represent the side of Starfleet that isn't always nice. Whether they start off as friends or enemies, following their relationship and how it develops would definitely yield some strong story possibilities.

Being able to watch the evolution of a character who is ultimately capable of the crimes he commits in Undiscovered Country is a journey worth taking.


Early Ray Mixon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.