10 Unnecessary Doctor Who Details You Need To Know

9. The Eleventh Doctor Loves Knitting (Cold War)

Doctor Who David Tennant bank note The Runaway Bride
BBC Studios

Just before he regenerated, the Eighth Doctor offhandedly asked the Sisterhood of Karn to “bring me knitting!”. Four incarnations later, he would appear to take the hobby much more seriously.

In The Impossible Astronaut, the Eleventh Doctor casually remarks that he’s “late for a biplane lesson in 1911. Or it could be knitting. Knitting or biplanes”. We never found out which it was, or whether the Doctor ever mastered the art of flying. But this wouldn’t be the last time he showed an interest in knitting.

In the same series' The Wedding of River Song, the Doctor passes time on Calisto B by reading a magazine titled “Knitting for Girls”. Then, in Cold War, the Doctor’s pockets are seen to contain a Barbie-style doll, a toffee apple… and a ball of yarn.

Doctor Who Cold War the Eleventh Doctor's ball of yarn
BBC Studios

Usually, whenever the Doctor’s pockets are emptied, the contents are fairly random. But here, there actually seems to be something of a method to the madness. Sure, the doll and toffee apple have no immediately obvious use, but the yarn clearly implies that the Doctor has, after those previous teases, finally found the time to take up knitting!

Sadly, we never got to see any of his handiwork, though it seems a given that, at some point, he attempted a long, multi-coloured scarf.

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Doctor Who fan/YouTuber and now writer for WhatCulture!