10 Unused Star Trek Ship Designs We NEED To See

8. USS Titan

Enterprise - F

The USS Titan has the honour of having appeared in Star Trek: Lower Decks, though has yet to be seen in one of the live-action series. With Captain Riker in charge of the USS Zheng-Hey, it is now unlikely that this design will make it into Star Trek: Picard.

However, much like our hopes for the Verity-class ships, there are plenty of ways to have it appear. Flashbacks would seem like the easiest way forward. The Luna-class ship was designed by Sean Tourangeau, who entered a 'design the starship' context held by Simon & Schuster.

The online reaction to its arrival in the latter half of the final episode of Lower Decks' first season should be all the proof needed for Star Trek Universe producers to include the vessel in Star Trek: Picard going forward. While a deliberate choice was made not to have Riker still commanding the ship, as it would have been twenty years later chronologically by the events of Nepenthe, there is a goldmine of potential to explore in the intervening years.

It adapts beautifully to the screen, capturing both the feel of a Next Generation-era vessel while appearing just modern enough to fit Picard's aesthetic.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick