10 Upcoming TV Seasons That Are Already Doomed

5. Citadel (Season 2)

The Witcher Henry Cavill

Amazon's spy thriller series Citadel is an absolute festival of mistakes - to the eye-watering tune of $300 million, no less.

Indeed, its first season ended up costing substantially more than your average Marvel Cinematic Universe movie due to large portions of the six-episode season being re-shot following a change in creative direction during post-production.

And had Citadel been a ratings juggernaut for Amazon, then it all might've been worth it, but with the show failing to crack the Nielsen Streaming Top 10 right out of the gate, it's clear that even the most easily pleased of audiences weren't interested in it.

All the same, Amazon is going full speed ahead with season two, with Joe Russo set to direct every episode once the strikes are over, while the streamer is also planning spin-off series set in the Italian Alps, India, Spain and Mexico.

Needless to say, it seems like Amazon is basically setting money on fire with this show - that is, producing a generic espionage series that's failed to strike a chord, and in continuing on with their plans for a Citadel Universe, refusing to accept that it didn't connect.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.