10 Upcoming TV Seasons That Are Already Doomed

4. Percy Jackson & The Olympians

The Witcher Henry Cavill

On paper, Disney's new adaptation of Rick Riordan's fantasy novel series Percy Jackson and the Olympians just might fulfill the potential that the previous Percy Jackson movies didn't.

The first season has already been shot and is set to release next year, but it also goes without saying that Disney needs to strike while the iron is hot and keep a steady production schedule going to ensure the lead actors don't age out of their roles.

Given that the series made a fuss out of casting age-appropriate actors for the central characters - compared to the movies, where they were aged-up by several years - and there are just three years between the first and last book, any delays in filming are going to result in some Stranger Things-esque ageing problems.

With the first season wrapping shooting back in February and season two possibly not starting filming until next year, the young cast members are going to unavoidably age, as may frustrate fans who hoped the show would stick to a tight season-per-year schedule to prevent the passage of time becoming a distraction.

This, of course, is without even considering whether or not the series is actually successful on Disney+ or not.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.