10 Upcoming TV Seasons That Are Already Doomed

3. Yellowjackets (Season 3)

The Witcher Henry Cavill

Though Yellowjackets' second season was a solid ratings hit for Showtime, the fan response was wildly polarised, with many feeling that it marked a severe step down in quality from the first and indicated that the creatives simply didn't have a compelling direction mapped out.

Between the utterly meandering present day adult storyline and highly questionable death of a certain character in the season two finale, to some it became clear that a serious rethink would be needed for season three.

And while on one hand the strikes may buy the writers time to consider the response to season two and rejig their season three plans, isn't it more likely that a delayed third season simply causes many viewers to flat-out lose interest?

Imagine if Lost, between its most creatively divisive seasons, was off the air for up to two years - it would've almost certainly had a catastrophic impact on ratings when it returned, and so it's entirely possible that Yellowjackets' third season is damaged by this, in turn putting the show's future in doubt.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.