10 Upcoming TV Shows That Are Already Doomed

9. Skeleton Crew

The Witcher Henry Cavill

The next entry into Disney's growing stable of live-action Star Wars TV shows is Skeleton Crew, a coming-of-age adventure centered around a group of four possibly-Force-sensitive children who attempt to make their way home with the help of a Force-user mentor (Jude Law).

MCU Spider-Man director Jon Watts serves as co-creator on the series, but beyond knowing that it takes place in the same timeframe as The Mandalorian, Disney has kept their cards curiously close to the chest on this one.

It's an especially odd move given that Skeleton Crew wrapped an entire year ago, and yet we've still seen nothing beyond a few scattered, context-free images of Jude Law.

This just might be because, if a year-old report from Making Star Wars can be believed, production has been "gruelling" and among the most arduous of any Star Wars project to date, possibly indicating that Watts and co. are struggling to bring the project to fruition.

The longer we go without seeing a trailer, getting a full synopsis, or even a release date, the worse it's looking for a show which finished filming last January.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.