10 US Office Episodes Every Dwight Schrute Fan Should (Re-)Watch

8. Money (Season 4, Episode 4)

Dwight Schrute The Office

Pam and Jim spend their first night away together… at Schrute Farms.

Dwight’s bed and breakfast (or “agrotourism”, as he prefers to call it) is a wonderful insight into the farming life of the Schrutes. It is the perfect mix of charm and horror, with Dwight’s best efforts at being a graceful host balanced with the fascinating character that is his cousin, Mose Schrute. The creepiness of the episode is at its peak when the sound of Dwight’s forlorn crying can be heard throughout the house during the dead of night. This moaning is heard a second time at the end of the episode when he has a rare friendly moment with Jim as he laments over the Angela leaving him for Andy. The best Dwight episodes show him in all his glory, and this episode is no exception.

As a host, a friend and a heart-broken lover, there’s more to Dwight than the power-hungry schemer the fans have come to cherish. Plus, Dwight reads Pam and Jim Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows as a bedtime story. What’s not to love?


Jamie Sefton hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.