10 US Office Episodes Every Dwight Schrute Fan Should (Re-)Watch

7. Drug Testing (Season 2, Episode 20)

Dwight Schrute The Office

When Dwight finds the remnants of a joint, he takes it upon himself to hunt down the culprit, which involves the meticulous interrogation of his colleagues.

The (volunteer) sheriff’s deputy tries his best, but his loyalty to Michael clashes with his duty to the law when the manager asks him to provide a urine sample that would clear Michael’s name. Dwight resigns from his completely real job as a sheriff’s deputy due to his guilty conscience.

Nevertheless, this episode includes some of Dwight’s best bits as his ongoing commitment to justice reaches new ground. Although his days in the force might be over, this episode paved the way for many more Detective-Dwight adventures, including when he spied on Michael’s girlfriend Donna (The Cover Up) and when he worked with Pam to catch Jim out as a liar (Pam’s Replacement).


Jamie Sefton hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.