10 Vince McMahon Moments Netflix WON’T Talk About

4. Making Trish Stratus Bark

Trish Stratus Vince McMahon

Like this one.

Holy hell, this is the sort of thing that'd trigger Twitter faster than a political opinion. On the 5 March 2001 Raw, an angry Vince publicly humiliated Trish Stratus and forced his mistress to strip down to her lingerie and then...bark like a dog. Nobody was particularly shocked at the time, but this is one WWE want you to forget.

You'd never see anything like this on WWE TV in 2020. Women aren't the hyper-sexualised "eye candy" they once were - they're serious pro wrestlers, and a vitally important part of the product. Back in '01 though, things were different. That's why this mortifying example of storyline power madness was pushed out onto screens.

The angle has since become the kind of face-palming moment that McMahon won't want Netflix talking about in a documentary series bearing his name. 'Hey Vince, remember that time you stripped Trish down to her smalls and made her crawl around in-ring as horny males whooped and hollered?'.

Can't see it.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.