10 Ways Arrow Would Be Different If It Were On Netflix

5. A Distinct Style

Arrow Arrow

TV has always been a writer’s medium, designed so that any capable director can swoop in for an episode and deliver it in a familiar style. It’s hard for a director to really leave a mark on an individual episode but on the whole, they still greatly contribute to the look and feel of a series.

If asked to describe that look in relation to Arrow, it would be hard to do. It’s dark, but what else? There are no defining visual characteristics or signature visual elements. It’s a straightforward drama show like so many others on TV. That’s not a bad thing in itself, but there’s certainly room for it to improve.

Unlike Arrow, there is a distinctive aesthetic to Daredevil. It’s dim, gritty, and realistic. It often feels like watching the real world unfold and within seconds, it’s apparent that it looks different from so many other similar shows.

If Arrow adopted a similar unique visual stance as the source material, it would be a lot easier to forgive some of its substance. As it stands, its generic aesthetic isn't doing it any favours.

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Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.