10 Ways Arrow Would Be Different If It Were On Netflix

3. Romance As A Side-Plot

Arrow Arrow
The CW

Every superhero has a famous love interest. Superman has Lois Lane, Spider-Man has Mary-Jane, and Wonder Woman has Steve Trevor, so this isn’t a knock about the presence of important romantic plotlines. We’re dealing with young, eligible men and dating is going to make up a portion of their life, the only issue has been how big a portion that is.

Arrow has really thrust the Oliver and Felicity relationship to the forefront in the last couple of seasons. While Oliver’s love life has always functioned as a secondary storyline, lately it’s been the key focus of the narrative which has left many fans disappointed. This turn seemingly came out of nowhere and focus on the poorly-executed relationship instead of any number of other elements makes it routinely hard to tolerate, even now that it’s allegedly over.

Were the series on Netflix, romance would still play a role, albeit a much smaller one. Matt Murdock and Jessica Jones’s relationships help flesh out their characters but in no way to they define the central storylines. Arrow would do well to learn from this balance.

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Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.