The dynamic duo of Badger and Skinny Pete, played by Matt Jones and Charles Baker respectively, became two of the most popular characters in the entire five seasons of Breaking Bad. Though they were often written as incompetent fools, there were certain moments of clarity to them where you could almost believe they would do something intelligent. It was rare, but they were certainly well written characters in that regard, often intertwining brilliantly with Vince Gilligan's ongoing opus. Putting the two of them into a spin-off of the post-Breaking Bad world would be wonderful, as the two had really grown into very unique characters by the end of the series. Though they helped Walter blackmail Elliot and Gretchen in the series finale, there was still a certain sense of honesty to them. They had become clean during season three, coming close to sobriety, which would make for a very interesting story through a series of their own. All in all, an hour focusing on Badger and Skinny Pete would make for some hilarious television.