10 Ways Gotham Has Redeemed Itself

4. Bruce Wayne

Gotham Season 3

When the show first aired in 2014, one of the three main characters featured (with Gordon and Penguin being the other two) was the young and recently orphaned Bruce Wayne. Following the death of his parents, he came off as a whiny pre-teen with a chip on his shoulder and was one of the weak points in the show early on.

In the following two seasons, he has come into his own. Living on the streets with Salina, training to fight with Alfred, and calling out his company’s board for the murder of his parents have all shown hints of the man that he will become. By making him more calculating and mature, showrunners have developed him into a character that fans can follow and enjoy watching.

In the most recent season, he dropped the investigation into his parent’s deaths due to the threats by the Council of Owls. While some saw this as Bruce being defeated, many others saw it as a sign of intelligence to know when he does not have the upper hand and to live to fight another day. Throw in his complicated relationship with Salina Kyle and his strange doppelganger and Bruce will have some very big challenges ahead while he continues to slowly move towards the cape and cowl.

In this post: 
Batman Gotham
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Daniel is a husband of one and a father of 4 and an Office Manager in the desert of Apple Valley, California. He has a Bachelor Degree in Organizational Leadership from Azusa Pacific University. He is a big fan of all things superhero. Please follow him on Twitter @TV_Nerd_Dude.