10 Ways New Star Trek TV Series Could Go

2. Another Animated Series

Then again, maybe Paramount might go ahead and try something a little out of left-field. Part of the trouble with bringing back the original cast back in the day was having them commit to the sort of schedule that an ongoing series demanded; that's at least part of the reason why they opted for movies instead. The budget for an ongoing sci-fi show versus the return was pretty poorly balanced compared to films instead. But they came up with a solution. The Star Trek revival brought about The Motion Picture, but before that it brought 1973's Star Trek: The Animated Series which picked up where The Original Series left off and included the entire original cast reprising their characters. But it was a cartoon, which meant they didn't have to do as much work, and meant that the stories could get even weirder and more wonderful. The limits weren't set by special effects budgets, but what it was possible to draw. Now compare animation of that era compared to what can be done with computers nowadays, and you could tell some truly epic Star Trek stories. And regardless of what route they went €“ remake, reboot, sequel, prequel, whatever €“ they could make it work. And with mostly any cast they wanted, too.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/