10 Ways To Save Family Guy

1. Find A Way To Bring Back Balance & Stories

Balance to the stories, and balance to the cast. As mentioned, we're getting less of certain characters, and if possible, it would be nice to see that balance fixed. As much as Meg is a horribly treated running punchline, she's a key component to the show. More importantly, start telling stories again. They don't have to be fantastically complicated, but it seems as if sometime after And Then There Were Fewer the number of nonsensical plots and incoherent story-lines went up. Remember I Never Met the Dead Man, when Meg knocks out cable TV in Quahog? It wasn't the most ingenious script ever, but it had a plot that followed its own internal logic. Compare that to the Peter's Wife's Cookies debacle in Baking Bad that seemed to rush to the idea that Peter & Lois' cookie store would turn into a sleazy strip joint. It felt like watching a time-lapse camera, where events would just jump ahead. Okay, we hired hot girls, suddenly they're strippers, because that'll get viewer's attention! Or Peter's memory loss, and the orgy that ensued. The whole episode built up to a throw-away gag in the end. Go back to telling stories and constructing plots. It's a cartoon, it needn't be Shakespeare, but at least give it a try. Is there still hope for Family Guy, or should it get the Old Yeller treatment? Have your say in the comments below.
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Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.