10 Ways The Streaming Era Has Improved Star Trek

5. Star Trek After Shows

Star Trek Pike And Spock

Full disclosure: this is something that directly benefits us here at TrekCulture as well, so it's hard to be unbiased. The sheer amount of Star Trek that has been offered to fans since the streaming era began has allowed for so much complimentary content, something that has seen the rise in the Ups and Downs with us, but also After Trek, the official Star Trek after show.

Wil Wheaton has hosted The Ready Room since its second season, with Naomi Kyle hosting first, while Matt Mira hosted After Trek during its single-season run. These shows have served as post-episode discussions, featuring interviews with guests like the actors or creatives.

For Star Trek fans who crave a deeper knowledge of what goes into making our favourite shows, these discussions have been an important part of the journey. Indeed, the Ups and Downs have also expanded and developed since they began with Star Trek: Picard's first season, allowing a deeper investigation into the making of each episode, as well as those ever-elusive easter eggs.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick