10 Ways Your Favourite TV Shows Will Probably End

8. Claire Becomes President - House Of Cards

Game Of Thrones Batle Of Ice And Fire

You almost feel sorry for shows like House of Cards. The real-life 2016 US Election was so insane, and the outcome so disastrous, that you wonder how a TV show can possibly compete.

For House of Cards, maybe the answer is that you don't. I'm not suggesting HoC will end because of Trump's election victory, but I do think Season 5 will be the last.

The show peaked around Season 2 anyway, and while Season 4 was an improvement on 3, I don't think the series has the legs to go on for multiple years.

So how will it end? Season 4 offered some big clues to this. Firstly, Frank was shot - the first time we really saw him as vulnerable, and explored his mortality. Then, at the end, Claire joined him in breaking the fourth wall. She's been the most interesting character for a while now, and they've finally put her on level-footing with Frank.

Season 4 flirted with Frank's death, and I think 5 will go through with it. After he's secured another term as POTUS, he'll be offed - either via assassination, or maybe even a power-grab from Claire. As VP, she'll be the one to step into the void, much like Frank himself did. Putting a woman in the White House is something the show can do that real-life sadly couldn't, and pushing through that glass ceiling (only through lies, deceit, and various other nefarious tactics) could be a fitting way to go out.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.