10 Weird Early Versions Of TV Characters You Totally Forgot About

1. Daario Naharis


Unlike all of the other Game Of Thrones recasting choices covered in Tommen Baratheon’s entry, the Daario Naharis situation is incredibly jarring on a rewatch of the series. Played initially Ed Skrien, Daario Naharis appeared in the final three episodes of Season 3.

Skrien’s Daario was tall, slim, had long blonde hair, no beard, blue eyes and an ethereal, angelic look. He wasn’t the blue bearded Daario from the book, but he seemed in line with the character’s general feel.

When Season 4 rolled around though, Daario Naharis was now being played by Dutch actor Michiel Huisman, meaning he was shorter, bulkier, dark haired, thickly bearded, had dark eyes and a much more warrior like image.

Basically, he was as close to the polar opposite as you could’ve got without asking Nathalie Emmanuel to play Daario as well as Missandei.

It was reported at the time that Skrien dropped for The Transporter, but he’s since dismissed that, claiming he left for ‘political’ reasons.

Even with all this though, couldn’t they have gotten someone more in line with Skrien’s original look to carry the role on? Huisman did a good job, but the 180 character turn is very jarring, especially during a binge watch.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)