10 Weird Early Versions Of TV Characters You Totally Forgot About

2. Nick The IT Guy


Nick The IT Guy (that’s Nick, and make sure you remember it) first appears in Season 4 of The Office, but is in fact not working at the office at all. Instead he’s at the job fair (in the episode Job Fair) which Pam attends, and helps her realise that without any knowledge of Photoshop or other digital art programs, she’ll never make it in graphic design.

He later appears in the background of several episodes, before blowing his top in the episode Whistleblower.

Considering both characters have a technological bend, it’s not unlikely that the job fair guy actually was Nick, either filling in for a friend or working a different job.

It would be fitting, too, for Pam to have had such an important conversation with them then have no memory of it, when Whistleblower’s storyline is put in context.

Nick feels under appreciated at Dunder Mifflin (Dunder Mifflin Sabre by this point), not least because no one remembers his name. After Jim forgets it immediately after being told it, Nick flips out and reveals all the secrets an IT guy is privy to before storming out.

If he’s that forgettable, he probably is the guy who met Pam; she just forgot.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)