10 Weird Horror TV Shows That Are Worth Watching

7. Chambers

Hannibal NBC

What happens when you have a heart attack during a passionate moment? You are rushed to hospital, and you receive the heart of a recently deceased woman.

It’s all rather straightforward, but for the protagonist of Chambers, things start to take a weird and supernatural turn for the worse. Rose begins to see reflections of someone else when she looks in a mirror. Rather than the dark-haired woman that she is, she begins seeing a fair-skinned and blonde-haired woman instead, and she gets heckled on the streets when someone tells her “you don’t want her in you”.

The slow-moving and cleverly obtuse camera work makes certain supernatural elements appear in the frame. It all keeps the viewer guessing. The beautiful and rather lonely Arizona setting is mysterious and adds to the weirdness the series exudes. Some of the dreams and visions of the main character can make for some horrific viewing too. The jumping forward and backward in time in some episodes adds to the confusion and the strange vibe the whole show aims for.

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