10 Weirdest Cameos In TV Shows That Made No Sense

5. George Lucas On The O.C.

The Simpsons Katy Perry
Warner Bros.

The biggest problem with liking George Lucas' creations is that you have to, on some level, like George Lucas.

He might be a decent enough bloke, but few people have done as much damage to Star Wars than the man who created it in the first place. The prequels, the Disney sale, all those damned special editions. Just give it a rest, will you?

Thankfully, Lucas had a go at ruining someone else's efforts when he turned up on teen drama The O.C. in 2005. For those who don't know, The O.C. was one of those shows where annoyingly good-looking people have problems and we all have to care about them.

Two of the annoyingly good-looking characters were Seth Cohen and Zach Stevens. The two buddies face a serious dilemma in this episode; one of them has to take Summer to the prom whilst the other has to meet with Lucas to talk about their graphic novel.

Oh, the humanity!

Despite sounding like it was written by an AI, this is a real-life plot from an episode of the show. George turns up to dinner, and even tells Seth to go back to the prom.

He's pivotal to the story! What is happening?!


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.