10 Weirdest Cameos In TV Shows That Made No Sense

2. Prince On New Girl

The Simpsons Katy Perry

During his all-too-brief time on Earth, Prince mystified everyone he came into contact with.

He was a strange man (putting it lightly) and was also extremely secretive. He only made two appearances in scripted TV shows - one was for The Muppets in 1997 and one was on the sitcom New Girl.

Revolving around kooky protagonist Jessica Day (Zooey Deschanel), New Girl was a big hit during its seven-season lifespan, but was it really big enough to draw Prince into its orbit?

Well, apparently it was.

As it turns out, he was the one to contact them, not the other way around. He was a fan of the show, one of the few television programmes he actually enjoyed, and was even scheduled to appear in a previous episode but had to pull out.

In this one, which is just called "Prince", he appears as a version of himself to give romantic advice to Jess. Listen, we know he was a hit with the ladies, but we're not sure if Prince was in the best position to be dolling out relationship tips.

The man was divorced twice.

An oddity to end all oddities, Prince's appearance on New Girl was just as mad as the man himself.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.