10 Weirdest Cameos In TV Shows That Made No Sense

3. Larry David On Hannah Montana

The Simpsons Katy Perry

The middle section of the Hannah Montana-Curb Your Enthusiasm Venn diagram has got to be pretty small.

The show that launched Miley Cyrus and the show about Larry David running amok in LA surely attract very difference audiences. And yet, this happened.

In the episode My Best Friend's Boyfriend, Miley takes her friend Lily to a fancy restaurant to apologise for being a bad friend. In front of her in the line for the establishment is none other than the Seinfeld co-creator himself, complaining about having to wait for a table.

It's believed that David only took the role because his two daughters were such huge fans of the show. In fact, they're in the episode with him, playing versions of themselves.

Talk about a pro parent.

In the end, the cameo is pretty funny. Miley skips the queue, leaving Larry annoyed. Then one of his kids remarks, "I bet uncle Jerry could have gotten us in."

That's good stuff right there.

The kids got to see their favourite show and all the grown-ups watching along got to see someone they liked do a bit part.

Talk about the Best of Both Worlds.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.