10 Worst Anime Adaptations

1. Rave Master

Tokyo Ghoul

Rave Master was the manga Hiro Mashima made before he made the much better known Fairy Tail. And to everyone who has actually sat down and read Rave Master, this is the superior of the two stories. The pacing is tighter, the characters have better interaction, the magic system is more creative, and the ending isn't rushed garbage.

All of which was tossed out in the anime version.

The biggest problem really is the pacing. Whereas the manga had issues with as many as 50 pages per issue sometimes when the story just needed that extra breathing room, the anime just zips by without giving the viewer any time to breathe.

The art in the manga wasn't exactly great at first - it being Mashima's first ongoing manga series and all - but the anime has significantly less excuse. the story and characters are all over the place because the anime just won't slow the hell down and take a breath. And of course, it stops right in the middle of the story, never continuing past the mother of all cliff hangers. And this is a story that LOVES it some mysteries, so it stings all the more.

It isn't the worst anime out there, but in terms of adapting a pretty awesome shonen manga to the television screen, it is an abject failure in every single sense of the word.

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Tokyo Ghoul
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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?