10 Worst Anime Adaptations

2. Tokyo Ghoul √A

Tokyo Ghoul

Tokyo Ghoul started off on pretty much the best first impression it could have gotten, having started at the apex of the anime streaming boom and the rise of Tumblr and Twitter fan culture, and unlike other wave riders like Sword Art Online, TG was actually - you know - GOOD.

Then season two happened and damn near undid all of that good will.

For one, this is not the second half of the story as was promise, at least not the one you get in the manga. In fact it's completely different from the ground up. For one, instead of continuing the fight against Aogiri Tree, Kaneki ends up joining up with them. A narrative choice that could've been very interesting, but this season was kinda run by screeching monkeys so instead it just comes off nonsensical. Sorta like everything else in this season.

Deep dives into the character's insane fractured psyches are instead replaced by constant action sequences, which, when you don't know the meaning behind them, just come off as filler. NJow the show would get back on track once this season concluded, but it was a black spot on a VERY good first impression. And a major adaptation fail on the part of the anime.

And yet it doesn't even compare to the failure that is our number 1 spot.

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Tokyo Ghoul
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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?