10 Worst Doctor Who Companions Ever
6. Lady Christina De Souza
![Doctor Who The Long Game Adam Mitchell](https://d2thvodm3xyo6j.cloudfront.net/media/2014/12/michelle-ryan-planet-of-the-dead-600x338.jpg)
Lady Christina is what happens when you order River Song from Poundland. Whether it's the writing or Michelle Ryan's performance is hard to say, but she just doesn't have the charisma that allows us to overlook her dubious morals in the way we do with River.
Russell T Davies' first era of Doctor Who is full of relatable companions: Rose Tyler is the bored shop worker who dreams of something bigger; Martha Jones is a medical student struggling to balance her studies with her fractured family dynamics; and Donna Noble is the office temp whose lack of self esteem prevents her from dreaming big. All of these companions are people we know in our daily lives.
Lady Christina, on the other hand, is a bored rich girl who steals priceless artefacts for kicks, and a good chunk of profit. Given that Planet of the Dead also aired in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, Lady Christina's background and motivations feel even more crass than they would normally be.
She doesn't even do anything that heroic to get us on her side, either. When she sacrifices a big fancy golden cup to get everyone home, are we supposed to cheer? It's hardly punting Max Capricorn into a fiery grave with a forklift truck now is it?