10 Worst Doctor Who Companions Ever

2. Adam Mitchell

Doctor Who The Long Game Adam Mitchell

Adric and Turlough are in the nursery when it comes to the Ninth Doctor's failed companion Adam Mitchell.

Adric was the only victim of his own arrogance, but Adam almost took down the Doctor and Rose when he sought to pilfer some future technology for his own ends. This cavalier approach to their safety (and to the rules of time travel) also makes him a far more dangerous anti-companion than Turlough ever was.

But are we surprised? Of course Adam was going to turn out to be an absolute moron. He was working for an evil billionaire who was so powerful that he could choose who the next American President was. Which definitely only happens in Doctor Who, and not in real life. So clearly, Adam didn't exactly have the strongest of moral compasses to begin with.

The fact that he spectacularly fails the test on his very first go in the TARDIS makes him the absolute worst Doctor Who companion ever – almost. He proves himself to be so bad that even the Doctor – a man who once invited his would-be murderer to travel with him, and always looks for the good in people – doesn't see the potential to give him a second chance.

That's when you know you've really messed up.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.